School is where you build your foundation.

ADDvocacy Coaching sets you apart — by helping you shape your foundation in your own way.Our team of Academic Coaches specialize in working with students. We coach neurodivergent high school students in Grades 11 & 12, post-secondary students in college and university, and students at the postgraduate level.

We ensure that all learning styles and differences are fully understood, and our Coaches can help you expand your skills, grow with confidence and lay the groundwork for your future.

You’ll build the skills to move forward on your own - as fast as possible.

Most learning doesn’t happen by reading instructions.

Real learning happens when you become inspired, get involved, and build your skill set.

You will remember those learning experiences for life, and we are here to help you create them.

Research has shown that the skills acquired by working with a Coach will last after the coaching process ends.

Should you work with a coach?

  • Do you struggle to stay organized or pay attention in class?
  • Do you lack study skills?
  • Are you always running late or struggling to hand your assignments in on time?
  • Are you easily overwhelmed?
  • Do you feel anxious about your social life?
  • Do you worry about your long-term prospects or question your ability to succeed?

Your Coach can help you zero in on what is holding you back, and together we will build practical skills and strategies to put you on the road to success.

What we Work on 
Learn how to become (and stay!) organized
Learn how to manage your time
Increase productivity
Develop positive study habits
Help you identify and prioritize tasks and responsibilities
Teach you how to communicate effectively

Coaching for students

Let go of what's keeping you stuck.

We work with you one-on-one to help identify self-limiting factors and accumulated bad habits and replace them with an executive function toolkit that sets you up for success.

How it Works 

Discover yourself

Our team creates a judgement-free, safe environment for you to share your challenges and goals. Then, we collaborate to develop an action plan that suits your personalized needs.

Uncover your unique learning style.

By discovering your unique learning style, focusing on productive study habits, and strategizing to improve your time management and social/emotional intelligence - our Coaches can empower you to achieve even your most ambitious goals.

We're here for you.

Your ADDvocacy Coach becomes your cheerleader and your accountability partner. We meet on the same day and at the same time every week during the semester, with optional check-ins between meeting times. Over 95% of our students continue to work with us again the next semester, and many choose to stay with us for years!

Why ADDvocacy works

At ADDvocacy, we understand the challenges that neurodiversity can present because - just like you - we live with those same challenges every day.

Our team of Executive Function Coaches will work with you to overcome obstacles and help you thrive in your day-to-day life.

Talk to a Coach

Funding Available

If you are a Canadian post-secondary student and self-identify as a student with a permanent disability, you may qualify for through your Canada student loans for 50-75% funding towards our coaching services.

Explore other coaching

We believe that everyone should have access to the tools and support they need to be successful.

We believe in you. Because we've been there too.

Succeeding in school, work, as an entrepreneur, and in life starts with the ability to believe that we can be successful! Sometimes it's hard to see that in ourselves but our peer-coaches can help!
That's why we're just a click away.

Talk with your ADDvocacy coach. Your first consultation is free.

Book a Consultation